Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthday Girl!!

Isabel turned one this weekend and we had a nice party to celebrate. On one hand I can't believe that year has gone by already, but on the other, I can't remember what my life was like before her. Reflecting back I truly believe that you have no idea what you're in for when you take that leap and decide you want to have a baby. I read book after book about motherhood, listened to many moms tell me what it was going to be like and how I was going to feel, yet I now realize that there is no substitute for life experience and no two people's experiences are going to be the same. I am thankful for all of the moms in my life that lend an ear when I need it or ofter advice when I seek it.

As for my little girl, everyday I wake up and feel like I am a better person because of you. I treasure every day as I am in awe of how fast you are growing and I dream every night of the wonderful person you are becoming. There are times when I feel sad because I feel like you are changing too fast but I always remind myself that I am lucky that I get to be a part of it and I can't wait to see what the world has in store for you. I am so proud to call myself your mom. I love you!

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