Thursday, September 16, 2010

Signs of Fall

Everywhere you look up here you see signs that fall is here. Isabel still doesn't understand why she can't where her swimsuit or her sundresses everyday and the dogs went out onto a deck slippery with frost yesterday morning. We have been in school for 2 full weeks now and are developing a routine. I love being home with the kids in the morning and I love teaching so I feel very fulfilled right now. Things are very busy as we try to squeeze everything we can into our mornings and I try to do as much as possible at work without staying late or taking anything home, so it is definitely a challenge. I have decided that I need to cut myself some slack. I am going to sit and hold my baby more, play barbies with Izzy, and throw the ball for the dogs instead of fold laundry or clean my house. I figure that the kids won't remember if their rooms where dusted but they will remember that I was present in their lives. Here are some great pictures.

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