Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter Wonderland

This winter has really been beautiful up here in Cook with the exception of the extreme cold. There are snow drifts higher than our windows and it looks like a post card with the snow on the evergreens but the last two weeks have been so cold it has been hard to enjoy it. Tonight I think it will be close to -25 so I have to get creative finding things to do with the kids inside the house. Izzy has a mini trampoline that great grandma Marcia found her so that helps burn off a little energy. We have been singing, dancing and playing the piano a lot too which Vinny really enjoys as well. The holiday season came and went so fast like it does every year and this year both Izzy and I had the stomach flu again so that cut our fun time short over break. The kids received so many gifts that I decided to save a couple and take them out later. Vinny started a new daycare and he seems very happy there and Izzy is going to Little Beginnings Preschool full time now. It is absolutely amazing to see her gain knowledge on a daily basis- like a little sponge. Oliver and Louis are getting cabin fever even though I play with them in the snow nearly every day. Oliver's feet get too cold to be out too long so I am looking at getting him some snow boots. Louis is on a diet (no people food and 2 cups of dry dog food a day) and he is already looking younger and leaner. He will be ready to hit the lake running this spring when it opens up.